Research-led projects.

Do you need sensitive, incisive social research into people’s lived experiences - as citizens, professionals, or patients/ residents/ service-users?

Perhaps a needs assessment that drives your services, or makes the case for funding?

Or perhaps an in-depth evaluation that truly demonstrates your achievements and helps you plan for the future?


Research that leads to action

If you’re focused on helping people and communities - whether in a place, or who share an identity - you often need work that can take you beyond the surface. Very often, you need more than just another survey that tells you nothing about people’s real, lived experiences. Without that, it can be hard to understand not just what people really think, but why they think it.

You also need to deliver real world results. Nobody really needs another report that sits on a shelf. In the best kind of research, action, and actionability, are always the end goal - with a clear map of how to get there.

You need reach the people without a voice, and talk to people from many different walks of life - in a way that makes sense to each of them.

How I can help

I bring academic rigour alongside extensive practical knowledge of the domains I work in, from the NHS, to the voluntary sector, to housing, and regeneration.

But most of all, I specialise in research that leads to action. You’ll get a highly professional compelling report, but action, and actionability, are always my end goal, whether in terms of driving your own future real-world action, or influencing wider systems and thought. I build trust with the people I talk to, bring a human touch, and understand what drives and matters to them.

I also support blended approaches, integrating quantative work such as surveys and data analysis, in partnership with an amazing data and statistical analysis expert.

“Alex’s great engagement skills with a wide range of stakeholders were invaluable. Add to this his endless patience, alongside insight and analysis, guidance and strategic perspective. These were critical elements of a great piece of research where we can showcase impact but still identify recommendations for continuous improvement. Plus, my team loved working with him! As did I.”

— Susan Underhill, Programmes Director, Age UK Croydon

“Alex carried out thorough research, and his approach to interaction with stakeholders produced incisive results. We are very pleased with the research, which not only enables us to showcase our work but has provided valuable insight into how this can develop further.”

— Sally Causer, Chief Executive, Southwark Law Centre

Qualitative research focused on real voices

Deep-dive interviews

Mixed-methods and blended research


Workshops and focus groups


Action research

Sensitive topics

Communities of identity or culture

NHS, GP Federations, Public Health

Health and social care

Place-based, regeneration


Voluntary and community sector