What do small charity CEOs do all day?
Many CEOs complain they never get to do the job they feel they were hired to do. But you’re allowed to focus on what you do best, and enjoy. So put down the mop, and start doing what you’re meant to.
Housing LIN HAPPI Hour Talk
Need a charity strategy? First chill out.
We need to talk about charity pay.
Charity trustees need to understand charities (duh).
On grant bid rejections. Is it my bids? Or something more?
‘Settled’ in Communities: the past and the future
Do young people need parents?
What we could do to get parents and adults in communities fully involved in the fight to prevent serious youth violence? And why are parents in a community so rarely involved in ‘youth work’?
What is 'serious youth violence' work?
What do we mean by ‘serious youth violence’ work? What counts as an intervention?