Everybody hates you. You must be a leader.
Managing Change in Charities: DMT Academy Lecture
Making your Charity board sing…. (No, really….)
Reflection for a charity Board of trustees is not navel-gazing: it's absolutely vital.
“My charity’s trustees have no idea what I’m doing.” Should CEOs worry?
Charity Partnerships: Barely Civil Society
In civil society, particularly charities, we are always told we have to work in partnership and not compete. Who are we trying to kid?
Lack-of-Trusts and Fearful Foundations
Does charity funding need unrestricted funding AND extensive charity regulation? Or are we just using a paranoid structure of thought - profoundly ideological, and bound up with the inherent power dynamic of philanthropy.
Mental health week for charity workers: is the sector making you ill?
Charities: do you know what deep sh*t looks like?
It's important to know what real crisis looks like in your organisation. There are a lot of charities in dire straits at the moment. But trustees so often don’t realise until it’s too late….
Charities: Is AI Really the Problem?
Charities are getting worried about the use of AI for fundraising. But beyond the practicalities, it feeds into our deeper worries about technology in the helping professions….
10 points for charities at risk of going under.
The fundraising fallacy
All the single ladies (and others)…
Kensington Market (Toronto) and the Community Land Trust.
Development for communities: Lessons from Toronto
Labour and Civil Society: Could it be that (whisper it) somebody is finally listening….?
What’s next? When political changes hit the community sector
Appleby Blue wins Evening Standard Grand Prix
Why ‘volunteering’ programmes are not enough
Inside the New Breed of Almshouse: At FT.com
Zooming ahead: Research on online group activities for older people
Could online group activities offer a lifeline for older people, unlocking a 'hybrid future' of connection, agency, and choice in a post-pandemic world?