Consultancy for people who care about communities

What I do

With two and a half decades working across civil society with organisations of all sizes, I offer strategic insight and practical expertise to organisations who want to change the world.

I take a special interest in organisations focused on supporting communities - of place, of interest, activity, or identity. These can be hyperlocal, local, or global - and everything inbetween.


Strategy and planning

Research and evaluation

Development and income generation

Leadership coaching and mentoring

Chairing and expert facilitation

Who I Work With


I help charities of all shapes and sizes build strategies and undertake business planning that increase their impact, and help them connect with supporters, making the best possible case for change. I also offer high quality evaluations that can demonstrate the change they create - for individuals and society at large.

Grantmakers and Commissioners

I help grantmakers ensure their practices are fair, equitable, and up to date. And I help them make the best use of resources - so that they can see real impact for their money. Alongside good practice, I can help you find your vision, mission, and priorities, in an oversubscribed domain.

Housing, Health and Social Care

I help housing, health and social care providers for all ages to become more community-focused, and to ensure that their delivery and care work goes beyond the bare minimum of legal requirements. This goes all the way from strategic insight to shaping frontline delivery of services and support. Linking the public sector with the VCS is a key specialism.

Strategy and organisational development

Taking things back to the big picture is hard - it needs an outside voice, a supportive and critical friend, and a sounding board. A lot of consultants weaponise strategy - but it’s not rocket science. You probably already know many of the answers - so let me help you and your organisation unearth your ideas so you can drive your work to the next stage.


Review, research, evaluation

My research and evaluation work takes you beyond the surface - and delivers real world results. I provide insight and understanding - for you, and your stakeholders. Nobody really needs another report that sits on a shelf, so for me, action, and actionability, are always the end goal.


Innovation support: new projects

I help people develop new ideas and make things happen. Innovation doesn’t have to big or ‘disruptive’ - some of the best is incremental, and even more effective. I can help you ask questions and try new ways of working - and make things happen once you have the answers. That goes from initial conceptions and ideation, to managing change.


Income generation: go beyond ‘fundraising’

There’s so much talk about ‘fundraising’, but that’s not enough. How does your charity develop and grow a socially-focused not for profit business - with a clear goal, and the income to deliver it? I can help charities consider what they deliver and how they fund it. Because either one in isolation is not enough. I can help you stop just churning out bids, and start thinking strategically.

Recent projects

  • Health and Social Care Evaluation

    Working with Age UK Croydon, NHS South West London, and Healthwatch, to evaluate and set the future direction for the Personal Independence Coordinator Service, a community-based key service in Croydon’s thriving integrated care network. A wide-ranging piece of action research across all sections of the health and social care system. You can read the report here.

  • Grantmaking for the 21st century

    Working with grant-making organizations ranging from £100k to £80m in turnover, supporting them to craft and refine their strategic approaches and grantmaking practice. My deep-dive approach can involve detailed needs analysis, strategy development, governance review, and implementation, all focused on achieving equitable, impactful, and resource-efficient grant-making.

  • Blue Bermondsey

    Regeneration: A People-Powered Regeneration strategy

    Working with the Made in Bermondsey partnership to develop a ‘people-powered regeneration’ strategy to sit alongside the landmark £2m development of the Blue Market. From in-depth sensitive research on culture and identity, to market research, and creation of an actionable strategy to preserve, change, and revive local community. We also developed the major Historic England project: Out of the Blue: Unheard Voices, Untold Stories.

  • Housing: An almshouse for the 21st century

    Working with United St Saviour’s charity to develop their groundbreaking Appleby Blue project, developing their vision for community, an operating model for ‘Appleby Kitchen’. Evaluating and proposing a new operating model for care of elderly residents across their housing. Find out more here.



Why work with me ?

Finding a consultant or researcher can be a difficult - there are a lot of sharks in shiny suits out there. But people work with me because I get to know them, truly understand their work, and get things done - many organisations work with me on multiple projects, with long-term relationships over several years, based on mutual trust and major achievements together.

I also offer fair pricing, and good value for money. For bigger projects, I sometimes work with associates who are equally and/ or suitably experienced, who are also paid fairly for the work they do, and the experience they bring.

And finally, another reason people work with me is because they enjoy it - the work is a serious business, but it’s important to have some fun while you do it.

Why not get in touch now for a conversation about your needs and whether I might be able to help?